Here's What to Buy From The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale
The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is one of my favorite holidays. I have even gone as far as to take a vacation day from work on the first day of the sale. I’M NOT PLAYING AROUND HERE! It’s one of the greatest sales of the year, because it’s not on old, bottom-of-the-barrel-merchandise. It’s the beautiful, new, shiny things for Fall, offered at a discount. Every year, I do my research. The second that catalog hits my mailbox, I study it. I strategize. I hydrate. And when sale day comes, I’m ready to rage.
In the past year or so, I have really been trying to pull the reins in on my shopping (do not ask Mike if he agrees). I make fewer, more careful & calculated purchases, as I’m trying to build a closet based on quality, not quantity. So for this year’s sale, I’m doing the leg work ( PUN INTENDED BECAUSE I’M DOWN A LEG RIGHT NOW) for you, and have carefully curated the best things to buy- just ask my Nordstrom card.
The beauty buys are where it's AT this year. Nordstrom really stepped up their game, and I came to play (do I need a hobby?).